Are you absolutely sick and tired of your documentary project?

Any of these sound familiar?

*Been working on a project for years.

*Pinned down by perfectionism.

*Thoughts of working on the project bring on dread, fear, guilt and anger.

*You wish someone would take this project from you.

I would like to journey with you for 5-10 weeks to get you from Point A to Point B. The ultimate goal is to get this thing finished and out into the world. Let’s talk.

Here’s my first physical rendering of this concept of the doc life cycle

You don’t have to do this solo anymore.

Here’s some of what I can do for you:

*Get you talking about your project and articulating the obstacles you see.

*Put you in touch with an array of people who can help you take your next steps.

*I can do “tasks” like research, but would rather spend our time making big plans for big moves. I can help you find the right people to do the tasks that will get you there.

I would like to journey with you for 5-10 weeks to get you from Point A to Point B. The goal is to get this thing finished and out into the world. Let’s talk.

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